Thursday, February 1, 2024

Post #5 Technology learned

     During these presentations, I learned a lot about technology. The most interesting thing I learned about was the carrier pigeons. They are birds that were trained to bring messages to people. They do this because they have an internal magnetic compass which helps them go to specific regions on earth. As well as having the natural instinct to go home. Some birds would have a bell system to allow their owner to know they are back with a message. People used carrier birds more commonly because using the method of traveling on foot or carriage there could be accidents or dishonesty. I found it extremely interesting to find out they used these for Olympic competitions to tell people around the world who won these events. As well as using them in the war. People were able to write coordinates of enemies or send locations where they were and the birds would bring the message to the base. 

    Another thing I learned was the first SMS message was sent in 1992 by an engineer named Neil Papworth. It was originally sent through a personal computer to bosses' mobile devices, and it introduced new abbreviations and slang. Billions of texts were sent per month in 2001 and generated 100 million in corporate profits. James Russel created the CD in 1979, and the distribution began in Japan in 1982 and cost nearly $1000. The telegraph was invented during the Industrial Revolution, and it helped with trade on railroads because it was a faster way of information or directions. The revolution of the tv has been extreme. They have not even been around for 100 years, and the first ones were extremely small and bulky they also only showed black and white. Motion pictures' first film was in 1903, and Thomas Edison designed the phonograph. The cassette was created by Lou Ottens, we see a great example of the "talkboy" in home alone. The Walkman came out in 1979 and this helped authors record their ideas as well as artists. 

The first radio was invented in the 1880s by Guglielmo Marconi. The newspaper was called "acta diurnal" and America wouldn't grant publication until 1791. The United States Postal Service was established in 1775, its purpose was to have news coming back from the news and government. It connected the 13 colonies and this is how the idea of the email sparked.  I learned a lot about the technologies that have shaped our modern world. Even though some of these technologies are no longer used, they have paved the way for our current advancements.

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Final Blog Post: Relationship with Technology

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