Thursday, February 8, 2024

Blog #6 The Progressive Era

    When I consider why voices like those found on and The American Conservative are consistently hidden from the public, I believe it's because the information they provide can be alarming. Some citizens are unaware of what the government is doing behind the scenes, and these sources are the ones shedding light on the government's actions for them.

    The government wants to limit people's access to information. If the government's actions were made public, it could lead to public outrage and political disruption. One article calls out that US military advisors have been deployed to Taiwan. When the Pentagon was asked about this situation they could not comment. In this article, the public has learned the US has recently begun providing Taiwan with unprecedented military aid. This is something the government would have tried to hide because until last year they have always sold weapons but never financed the purchases or provided arms free to Taiwan. Another article talks about a drone that killed U.S troops in Jordan that went undetected. This story would have made Americans extremely mad if it was easily accessible because an Iranian-made drone killed three American soldiers last week at a remote base in Jordan. However, there was no air defense system on site capable of shooting it down. 

    I believe that it is hard to seek out obscure websites in order to hear strong anti-war voices. If the government were completely transparent with the public, it might be more difficult for them to profit from those who are unaware or do not take an interest in our country's politics and foreign affairs. Although news sources may sometimes reach a larger audience, some people will always support their political parties and refuse to see the harm they cause. They may even deny or protest the information presented to them.

  In conclusion, discovering reliable websites can be a challenging task, and one must research the news stories carefully. Unfortunately, many American citizens rely solely on the news outlets that they support, which may not present a complete and accurate picture of what is happening in the government. The government often withholds political decisions from the press to avoid public outrage. Therefore, if one seeks the truth, one must be willing to conduct extensive research and explore anti-war websites.

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