Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Blog #3

There are Eight Values of Free Expression. 1. Marketplace of Ideas, 2. Participation in Self-Govenment, 3. Stable Change, 4. Individual Self-Fulfillment, 5. Check on Government Power, 6. Promote Tolerance, 7. Promote Innovation, and 8. Protect Dissent. These values are very important to us Americans because it allows us to protect our freedom of speech. 

I found the one that resonates the most to me is Stable Change. I think this because it shows that when the individuals in society are allowed to "vent," or express their anger and alienation, there will be fewer people to resort to violence. It has been observed that the government can monitor potentially dangerous groups closely after they see people who have been excluded get to freely express themselves. With people having free expression the violence stays lower than it could be, this keeps inner-country wars from happening. Ultimately, it serves the government's self-interest to permit this kind of venting. 

Individual Self-fulfillment is another value that I think people can resonate with a lot within our day of age with social media. This value explains others may express themselves freely, forging their own identities in the process and maybe meeting like-minded others. Thus, the right to free expression becomes a component of human dignity, agency, and autonomy. With this said people using social media to express themselves and their ideas can build relationships with themselves and others. I also would tie this together with Stable Change because it is free expression and can help keep violence rates low. 

A very important value is Protect Dissent, it refers to the preservation and shield of the right to express opinions, views, or beliefs that may differ from the mainstream or official stance. Like the others, it is a fundamental component of freedom of speech and expression. I think this is important to know because even if governments and other institutions may not agree with the content of a disagreement they are required to respect and defend dissident voices. Ultimately, maintaining the freedom of people to voice their viewpoints without unwarranted limitations or repercussions is essential to the strength and well-being of democracies.

The eight values of free expression are so important to us Americans. Without these values of free expression, society could face several negative consequences that may impact an individual's freedom and democratic principles. There could be so much violence in the world and frustration with the government. People would not have their free speech and would feel extremely constricted and ultimately held back from their thoughts. I think a lot of people would overall get extremely mad with the government and could protest or do worse to show their point. In conclusion, the absence of the eight values of free expression could have profound negative effects on the functioning of a society, impacting individual rights, and overall social well-being. Embracing and protecting free expression is essential for fostering a dynamic, inclusive, and thriving society. 

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