Sunday, January 28, 2024

Blog #2

   I learned something surprising today. Even though the first meeting of the court took place on February 2, 1790, it did not hear any cases during its first term. This fact was particularly astonishing to me because I would have thought that there would be a lot of cases to hear after the first meeting. Instead, the initial meetings focused on working out organizational procedures. Additionally, I found it interesting how the Constitution produced words that are still guiding the justices today, 200 years later, to solve problems.

  I learned that the justices of the court meet weekly to decide which cases they will accept and make their rulings on. During their meetings, they also discuss and vote on cases that have already been argued. I found it interesting that every petition, whether it is filed by a high-priced lawyer or someone in prison, is given the same individual consideration in the process of granting or denying certiorari.

 I found the video about the Supreme Court to be very interesting because it provided a clear understanding of how the Supreme Court operates and how things are structured. Sometimes, it can be challenging to comprehend the processes and systems in place if you don't work in that field. However, the video was able to offer a valuable perspective from that side.

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