Monday, February 19, 2024

Blog #10 EOTO presentation

    I learned that disinformation is the spread of false information leading to a misunderstanding. We see this on social media as fake news, such as government motives, economic motives, and health motives. Can used for scams. I also learned from this group about false flags. False flags are beliefs that certain major world events happen to push a political or government thought. Such as 9/11, people labeled this as a false flag that George Bush knew would happen and did not do anything. People said "George Bush did 9/11". There are many events people may claim as false flags like the Sandy Hook shooting. 

An online influencer is a person who collaborates with brands to promote their products. These products gain more recognition when online influencers endorse them. The Spiral of Silence theory suggests that people tend to remain silent when they feel that their opinion is not in line with the majority. This is because they want to avoid the feeling of isolation or embarrassment.

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