Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Blog #8 EOTO Terms & Concepts Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had several definitions over the past few years however, John McCarthy defined it as "It is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence but AI does not have to confine itself to biologically observable methods". It combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. It also surrounds sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning. While AI has the potential to alter the way people work, communicate, and engage with technology, it also brings up issues related to job displacement, bias and discrimination, and possible misuse or abuse. However, it has been said that within the next 5 years, 7.1 million jobs will disappear due to the popularity of AI

    As more people use AI it may affect our society. A concern is that AI systems would reinforce prejudice and discrimination. This is because AI systems can only be as objective as the training data they utilize. The AI system will also be biased if the data is prejudiced. For instance, it has been demonstrated that face recognition software is less accurate for individuals with darker skin tones, underscoring the need for more diversity and inclusion in AI research. It can affect our society in good ways by stimulating economic growth, increasing productivity at lower costs, and stimulating job creation said Altman co-founder of OpenAI. John Hope Bryant, Operation HOPE Chairman, Founder, and CEO, also states, "The promise of an economic boost via machine learning is understandably seductive, but if we want to ensure AI technology has a positive impact, we must all be engaged early on. With proper policy oversight, I believe it can transform the future of the underserved". It's critical to keep in mind that AI is only as useful as its users. Although there are worries about the abuse or misuse of AI, it is our collective responsibility as a society to make sure that AI is created and applied in a way that is morally and responsibly appropriate. 

  AI has the potential to increase the racial economic divide in the US by $43 billion annually. There is a lot of evidence that shows that AI technologies may discriminate against underprivileged populations. This is because AI is created by people and used in systems and organizations that have a history of institutionalized prejudice, such as our financial systems, housing markets, and criminal justice systems. The data that AI is trained on is often biased or un

representative of women, people of color, or other disadvantaged groups, which can perpetuate prejudice. Studies have found that women are more concerned about the risks associated with using AI, due to fears about economic and personal security, as well as the potential for major changes. Money is concentrated in the development of AI, with investments in research and development being primarily made by large companies with economic strength. However, AI can still benefit poor communities by helping to develop learning tools and improving the efficiency of healthcare delivery.

   Finally, AI can have both positive and negative effects on the lives of people, depending on how it is utilized. It can be a great tool for generating new ideas and projects for me, my family, and friends. However, it is crucial that we use it correctly and responsibly to make the most of its benefits. Our generation can leverage this technology to our advantage if we use it in the right ways. 

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