Thursday, February 22, 2024

Blog #9 In the Age of AI

The Age of AI: The Roots Run Deep

    The era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is upon our society more than ever before. Technology has been utilized in ways that the general public has little knowledge of. Several experts  in the video expressed their concerns about the use of AI and warned against its increasing impact on society. The video focused on how AI is being used as a modern-day surveillance tool that continuously collects and stores data on our personal lives. 

    In recent years, people have become more aware of the applications and capabilities of AI. This has led to an increasing inclination towards supporting stricter privacy regulations and greater awareness of the data that businesses possess. The California Privacy Law, for instance. The "right to know" what information a business collects, how it is used and shared, the ability to opt out of sharing information, and the ability to have some of the gathered information deleted are all included in the Act.

    In the video, China was described as a "surveillance state," with cameras positioned everywhere to alert the public that they were being watched. Although China possesses some of the most cutting-edge technology, Amy Webb noted in the film that fifty-eight other nations are thinking about utilizing the same kind of software that China does. This is a concerning issue as there is an increasing prevalence of severe invasions of privacy. It raises questions about whether other developed nations will take similar action.

  AI is becoming more prevalent in our daily lives and it is affecting our privacy. Surveillance cameras, radios, and phones are constantly recording and learning from us. Our phones are specifically designed to listen to our conversations and display targeted ads. This invasion of privacy is concerning, but there are times when it can be useful. Nowadays, almost anything we need or want can be found online, and with the help of AI, we can be sure to only see relevant ads.

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