Sunday, January 28, 2024

Blog #2

   I learned something surprising today. Even though the first meeting of the court took place on February 2, 1790, it did not hear any cases during its first term. This fact was particularly astonishing to me because I would have thought that there would be a lot of cases to hear after the first meeting. Instead, the initial meetings focused on working out organizational procedures. Additionally, I found it interesting how the Constitution produced words that are still guiding the justices today, 200 years later, to solve problems.

  I learned that the justices of the court meet weekly to decide which cases they will accept and make their rulings on. During their meetings, they also discuss and vote on cases that have already been argued. I found it interesting that every petition, whether it is filed by a high-priced lawyer or someone in prison, is given the same individual consideration in the process of granting or denying certiorari.

 I found the video about the Supreme Court to be very interesting because it provided a clear understanding of how the Supreme Court operates and how things are structured. Sometimes, it can be challenging to comprehend the processes and systems in place if you don't work in that field. However, the video was able to offer a valuable perspective from that side.

Blog #4 EOTO Project

     A German theologian and poet of Hamburg Johann Rist published the first true magazine between 1663 and 1668. Concepts of the well-known modern magazine originally made their appearance in the 17th century as pamphlets, almanacs, and brochures. Publishers quickly discovered that irregular publishing schedules demanded an excessive amount of time and effort. Then, when publishers looked for recurring readers with particular interests, a transition happened gradually. However, the first issue of the magazine was unpublished. Not only was it insufficiently newsworthy to qualify as a newspaper, but it also couldn't be deemed enjoyable reading. Rather, early magazines stood in the intermediary position between the two. Germany, France, and the Netherlands were the first to produce magazines and then Great Britain followed closely. In America, the first magazines were published in 1741. Andrew Bradford's

American Magazine, was the first publication of its kind in the colonies. In the United States, the first truly successful mass-circulation magazine was The Saturday Evening Post.  These magazines catered to politicians, the educated, and the merchant classes, much like the partisan newspapers of the era. Paid circulations were low- between one hundred and fifteen hundred copies. However, earlier magazines served more widespread purposes such as documenting issues such as taxation, state versus federal power, Indian treaties, public education, and the end of colonialism. 

    Magazines were created to provide information, entertainment, and insight on a wide range of topics. It was to give less news-like information rather than broad domestic and political commentary. Some in England offered poetry, politics, and philosophy. At first, magazines focused on improvement and reason but not long after turned to more amusement-
based stories. Soon these magazines were no longer focused on the elite class. The publishers took advantage of this new audience and began to offer family magazines, children's magazines, and women's magazines. This changes communication because there are not only news magazines but there are picture magazines that allow for photojournalism. This allowed the viewers to read things that interested them not just news articles. 

   The majority of magazines used to cost 25 or 35 cents for each issue, which restricted readership to the relatively small number of people who could purchase them. In 1893 Samuel Sidney McClure began selling McClure's Magazine, originally a literary and political magazine, at the price of only 15 cents per issue. The trend caught on and led to Munsey Magazine (1886-1929) selling for only 10 cents. However, the cost of delivery remained high, as well as some carriers refused to carry magazines. In 1800 only twelve magazines operated, and by 1825 about a hundred magazines existed although about another five hundred had failed between 1800 and 1825.  Still, the majority of communities had their own weekly magazines in the first quarter of the 1800s. These magazines included articles republished from various sources along with commentaries on regional problems, governmental actions, and political intrigue.

The impact of magazines on individuals is mainly negative, as it affects their body image, political views, purchasing behavior, and access to information. The portrayal of unrealistic body images in magazines often results in people losing their self-confidence. Furthermore, the mass printing of millions of magazines is detrimental to the environment. 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Blog #3

There are Eight Values of Free Expression. 1. Marketplace of Ideas, 2. Participation in Self-Govenment, 3. Stable Change, 4. Individual Self-Fulfillment, 5. Check on Government Power, 6. Promote Tolerance, 7. Promote Innovation, and 8. Protect Dissent. These values are very important to us Americans because it allows us to protect our freedom of speech. 

I found the one that resonates the most to me is Stable Change. I think this because it shows that when the individuals in society are allowed to "vent," or express their anger and alienation, there will be fewer people to resort to violence. It has been observed that the government can monitor potentially dangerous groups closely after they see people who have been excluded get to freely express themselves. With people having free expression the violence stays lower than it could be, this keeps inner-country wars from happening. Ultimately, it serves the government's self-interest to permit this kind of venting. 

Individual Self-fulfillment is another value that I think people can resonate with a lot within our day of age with social media. This value explains others may express themselves freely, forging their own identities in the process and maybe meeting like-minded others. Thus, the right to free expression becomes a component of human dignity, agency, and autonomy. With this said people using social media to express themselves and their ideas can build relationships with themselves and others. I also would tie this together with Stable Change because it is free expression and can help keep violence rates low. 

A very important value is Protect Dissent, it refers to the preservation and shield of the right to express opinions, views, or beliefs that may differ from the mainstream or official stance. Like the others, it is a fundamental component of freedom of speech and expression. I think this is important to know because even if governments and other institutions may not agree with the content of a disagreement they are required to respect and defend dissident voices. Ultimately, maintaining the freedom of people to voice their viewpoints without unwarranted limitations or repercussions is essential to the strength and well-being of democracies.

The eight values of free expression are so important to us Americans. Without these values of free expression, society could face several negative consequences that may impact an individual's freedom and democratic principles. There could be so much violence in the world and frustration with the government. People would not have their free speech and would feel extremely constricted and ultimately held back from their thoughts. I think a lot of people would overall get extremely mad with the government and could protest or do worse to show their point. In conclusion, the absence of the eight values of free expression could have profound negative effects on the functioning of a society, impacting individual rights, and overall social well-being. Embracing and protecting free expression is essential for fostering a dynamic, inclusive, and thriving society. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

Blog #1

ESPN is one of my go-to sources for daily sports news. The website is constantly updated throughout the day to provide the latest scores, updates on ongoing games, and announcements about upcoming matches. You can watch your favorite professional and collegiate teams on this platform. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it a great option for anyone who loves sports. I highly recommend ESPN to anyone interested in staying up-to-date with the sports world.

One of my top sources of information is because I am from New Jersey. This website keeps me updated with all the important news happening in the state. It covers a wide range of topics such as sports, weather, and everyday life in New Jersey. I believe it is an excellent source for anyone interested in researching things in New Jersey or for those who live in or near the state.

People is a popular source of social media news that provides information about celebrities and trending topics in the social media world. It covers top stories related to human interest topics and celebrity news that are appealing to its readers. People are a reliable and intriguing source for those interested in keeping up with the latest news in the entertainment industry.

I find myself looking at Tik Tok every day to discover new information. Although it may not always be 100% accurate, it is a good source of news and information. Even though most videos are short, the news and information videos are usually longer and more engaging.

Twitter/X is an excellent platform for getting the latest news and information as it provides real-time updates. With people constantly updating their feeds, it's an excellent way to stay informed and keep others informed as well. The diverse content on Twitter/X covers a wide range of views, allowing viewers to see different perspectives on news and information. Moreover, Twitter/X provides direct access to experts, making it an excellent source of reliable and accurate information.

Final Blog Post: Relationship with Technology

     I think if blogging and social media were around when Martin Luther King was alive he would have posted a lot on his social media. He w...